The Ryan Malinowski Book Club
Why this pertains to you…….
Over the past several years, I’ve been asked the following question an endless number of times:
What books do you recommend to read?
Instead of sporadically recommending books weekly to colleagues, friends/family, my blog readers, & that random person in line at Starbucks…..I decided to curate a “private” monthly book recommendation newsletter to share a few superb books I’m reading each & every month.
Only 1 high quality email, once a month….
My monthly Reading Recommendation Email now has 250+ subscribers who are enjoying the books I recommend.
They range from professional athletes to business owners, baby boomers down to millennials.
I think you too can benefit from the book recommendations I share.
Sign up below to subscribe to my private book recommendation email list.
**I recommend a wide range of books, all endorsed for the sole purpose to positively impact your life, your work/business, your health, your knowledge, & your overall well being.
Everything from hard to find classics to current day New York Times bestsellers, inspiring biographies to amazing non-fiction.
Each of the books I recommend must meet the follow criteria…..
- I have personally read it
- Feel strongly the book can make a lasting impact on those who read it
I send each monthly reading newsletter from my personal e-mail & enjoy trying to respond to every reply (I want to hear what you’re reading and which books have an impact on you).